TSWS – Petitions

Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW): “…It could be up to 1 in 10 people who suffer this condition”
– ITV News

🔍 Shedding Light on Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome (TSWS) 🔍

Research on TSWS is pivotal not only for creating diagnostic criteria but also for informing prevalence rates and aiding in prevention strategies. Despite growing awareness about the potential side effects of topical steroids, until more decisive action is taken, patients may continue to suffer unnecessarily.

Let’s delve into the facts: TSWS remains a complex and poorly understood phenomenon. Researchers are still grappling with why some individuals experience it following topical steroid use while others do not.

The spectrum of symptoms associated with TSWS is vast, ranging from burning sensations to flaking, swelling to depression to name a few. These effects profoundly impact one’s quality of life. Recognizing and validating these experiences is paramount, offering much-needed support and understanding to those navigating TSWS.

An in-depth understanding of TSWS empowers us to navigate topical steroid use responsibly and advocate for safer prescribing practices. By shedding light on this condition, we take significant steps toward improving patient outcomes and reducing unnecessary suffering.

Spread awareness, empower others! 💪

Take 2 minutes out your day to take it to the top, Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by TSW, providing them with the hope and support they need to recover and thrive. Your signature on these petitions can make a real difference. Please consider signing and sharing !

Fund Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) Research and Provide Support for Sufferers

Deadline: 19 October 2024

^ Let’s make TSW a thing of the past – sign the petition to fund vital research and support those battling withdrawal symptoms. This petition was created by the Itch N Bitch Community, Katie Mackie AKA @Mackies_Moments, in collaboration with Briana Banos, creator of the TSW documentary @Preventable_Doc ❤️‍🩹

We hope to encourage you all to become #ItchyActivist and be part of making a difference.

@journey_of_amy – BRAVELY shared her TSW journey on ITV This Morning

Review prescribing of topical corticosteroids

Deadline: 5 September 2024

^ Advocate for change. We’re calling for a review that evaluates prescription criteria: frequency, duration, and potency.

It’s time to prioritize patient well-being!




Important and useful sites to follow if you are a TSW sufferer or steroid user looking to learn more;

Scratch That – A UK-based organisation that advocates for TSW

Scratch That is a patient advocacy group campaigning for recognition of Topical Steroid Withdrawal ⬇️

ITSAN – The International Topical Steroid Addiction Network

The International Topical Steroid Awareness Network is a nonprofit charity formed to raise awareness about a condition called Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome, also known as Red Skin Syndrome or Topical Steroid Addiction ⬇️

PREVENTABLE DOC – the first documentary to shed light on the over-prescription of topical steroids

Preventable: Protecting Our Largest Organ is the first documentary to shed light on the over-prescription of topical steroids, as well as spreading education and information on the intended use of topical steroids⬇️

Further support options here;

By supporting this campaign, you are helping to pioneer a future where TSW is no longer a debilitating afterthought but a preventable and manageable condition.

Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by TSW, providing them with the hope and support they need to recover and thrive.

Your signature can make a real difference. Please consider signing and sharing this petition within your networks to help us bring much-needed attention and resources to TSW research and support.

Stories of healing by other warriors – simply Google “Topical Steroid Withdrawal blog” and you will find others who have shared their journeys. This will help you feel less alone and less afraid. Always reach out to the community for support and advice. We are here for one another. OR See some of Itch N Bitch’s Community ones:


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